PYNK - predict,earn  

rolly khamuss

Predictions 4 years ago
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There is a vivid distinction between trading an asset versus investing in one. Trading is the continuous process of leveraging the volatility of a base asset and taking chances. It is, in some way, an intellectual’s gamble. On the other hand, investing in the process of evaluating a variety of assets, making calculated decisions to eventually settle on an asset or a basket of assets in the hope of expecting periodical returns.

In this age of continuous and constant change, it is considerably tough to ascertain what and how to trade or invest in. Investors are puzzled about what asset or investment will be profitable in the long run to give them returns, while the traders are puzzled at the random and unpredictable volatility. There is an obvious need for a new methodology of investing, as traditional means do not seem to fit into the current economic landscape.

Perpetual Yields from Networked Knowledge or PYNK is the brainchild of a group of investors and developers lead by CEO Seth Ward, who strongly believes in the collective. More specifically, they believe in the wisdom of the collective. This “people-powered” application fundamentally runs on the principles of ‘The Wisdom of the Crowd.’

Wisdom of the Crowd is an old idea according to which, even though one man may not be able to ascertain a particular solution correctly, a group of people has a greater chance to find it. It is generally seen that Crowds are better at predicting, solving, decision-making, and innovating. In some way, it can be argued that this small idea was the driving force and cornerstone behind humanity’s entrance into the Information Age. is the world’s first People Powered Investment Platform that leverages data collected from its users and integrates that data with ROSE, their home-grown AI, to help make investment strategies. Pink understands that the more users they have, the higher the predicting capability of the platform. Using the Crowd, Rose – the AI and a panel of experts who analyze the suggestions, Pynk has developed a foolproof, highly reliable mechanism to automate investment.

With Pynk, you can choose any of the two options in investing. The Everyday Investor option allows you to use Pynk’s investing strategies chosen by the experts to make profitable returns. It is a lucrative option for individuals who cannot give as much time to background research as they would like to. The other option is to join in on the Crowd Investment Platform, where the investor is asked to make their predictions about assets and instruments such as Bitcoin, NASDAQ, Gold, and various other assets. Pynk then uses these predictions, aggregates them with the library of prediction from all of its users, and finally runs it through Rose. Investors who make the closest predictions are allocated with ‘Wisdom Points’ (WPs).

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  • Bitcoin price prediction
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  • Pynk