The MOVIECASH guarantees a MINIMUM PRICE of at LEAST $ 0.1  


Startups 4 years ago
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The CINEMADROM is taking measures to protect the MOVIECASH from depreciation.

At the moment, a fixed minimum price of $ 0.1 is set.
This means the following, if the market price drops below $ 0.1 for the MOVIECASH, then users can in any case exchange the MOVIECASH for movie rights, at the initial rate of $ 0.1.

After all a MOVIECASH tokens are bought from the market at a low cost and spent as to finance movie projects, the following tokens, according to the sales plan, will already be sold at a price of $ 0.2. And so on. This process will be repeated again and again. Thus, the price of a MOVIECASH will constantly increase.

  • Token sale
  • Price increase
  • Movie industry
  • Token price
  • Coin price