how join to minereum airdrop   

catalin bunel

Airdrops 1 year ago
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1️⃣ For this airdrop, users can submit as many addresses as they want
2️⃣ Each address will receive a Minereum Genesis Address Level 1 with 1,000,000 MNE in each blockchain (ETH2, FTM, AVAX, CELO, OP, ARBITRUM, PLS)
3️⃣ Take into account that like the previous Minereum versions, it is required to pay a small fee to active the Genesis Addresses Mining Process
4️⃣ To understand how Minereum works, you can view the specifications of the previous versions: (ETH (, (BSC (, (POLYGON (
5️⃣ The airdrop will run for few weeks, the end date is TBD and we will announce when the airdrop is close to end.

1️⃣ Fee Share Holders will receive all the fees collected in the Minereum Ecosystem for all the future blockchains: ETH2, Fantom, Avalanche, Celo, Optimist, Arbitrum and Pulse Chain
2️⃣ The fees to receive include Genesis Address Upgrade Fees and DEX Fees
3️⃣ For example after launch if on the ETH 2 chain 1000 ETH fees are collected and you own 10% fee share, you will receive 100 ETH, the same for the other blockchains.
4️⃣Anyone can acquire Fee Shares with ETH on the ethereum blockchain
5️⃣ If you buy a fee share, you are automatically buying a fee share for all future blockchains where Minereum will launch (ETH2, FTM, AVAX, CELO, OP, ARBITRUM, PLS) and you will received fees on each of these blockchain

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