Using Bitcoin in Zimbabwe, Part 3 of a Six-Part Documentary Podcast Series  


Bitcoin 4 years ago
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After three weeks of listening, recording and talking bitcoin (BTC) in Africa, podcaster Anita Posch is back in part 3 of her six-part documentary podcast series. Presented in audio and full written transcript below.

In the first and second part of this six-part series you heard about the difficult living situation, the hyperinflation and about the multi-currency world that Zimbabweans have to live with since many years. In this - the third part - you will hear from two early bitcoin (BTC) adopters based in Harare. We speak about the different use cases for bitcoin, how it can be exchanged to U.S. dollar and RTGS [the Zimbabwe dollar], what the obstacles and pros are, about regulation and what the two online entrepreneurs want to tell people outside of Africa.

See here:
  • Africa
  • Blockchain adoption
  • Bitcoin Adoption
  • Blockchain podcast
  • Crypto podcast