Watching Bitcoin in the week of the US elections  


Bitcoin 4 years ago
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This could be a momentous week of change and chaos for the United States as the election polls close on 3rd November. What might happen to Bitcoin? It has started this week at $13,500: will it hold its strong position, or will we see some volatility?
Cointelegraph has identified five things that might influence the crypto markets, including the latest lock-downs in Europe.

Presidential elections are the kind of event that has a huge impact on all markets. The market makers will be considering what the new president’s policies will be at a time of global instability due to the pandemic. It is believed that whatever the result, there will be a rush towards safe haven assets, such as gold and Bitcoin.

In Europe, the outlook for the markets is bleak due to the various lock-downs. Cointelegraph says, “Amid fresh warnings of contractions in economic activity due to the measures, markets began shrugging off even bullish signs in favor of reducing potential election fallout.”
Furthermore, the European Central Bank (ECB) is printing more money. One trader called MMCrypto, told people on Twitter to reduce their investment in fiat currencies: “The crazy news is that the businesses which have to close will get up to 75% of their revenue in freshly printed money.”

Other things to keep an eye on include “yet another so-called “gap” to open up in futures markets.” Zack Voell said, “CME Bitcoin futures opening with a gap up for the fourth consecutive week. That’s pretty bullish.”

Also, analysts remain bullish over Bitcoin’s monthly close, with institutions seeing the monthly close figure as an essential tool for reinforcing bullish sentiment. Let’s not forget that Bitcoin began October trading at around $10,750.

Lastly, there is a shake up happening in mining. Cointelegraph says, “Difficulty, a measure of the competition and economic health of miners and an essential part of Bitcoin’s self-maintaining ecosystem, is set to drop by the most since March on Tuesday.”

  • United States
  • Volatility
  • Bitcoin price analysis
  • Elections 2020
  • Crypto assets