We Have One Spot Available For a Dedicated Email This Wednesday  

CryptoCoin News

Startups 5 years ago
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And YOU Can Send a Mail Directly to 65,000 Crypto Investors This Wednesday

We have one spot available for this Wednesday, to get your project in front of 65,000 crypto investors.

Frequent questions:
- Who writes the text?
The text is provided by the client, if we should write it, there is a small

- Who's the sender?
The newsletter is sent from CryptoCoin.News.

- Average open rate? CTR?
Our audience is very engaged. We have open rates of up to 29% and
up to 7% CTR.

- The geographic location of your audience?
The majority in the US and Western Europe.

- I pay in tokens?

- Can I just have your email database?
Nope :)

Email is still one of the best marketing channels out there. You reach investors where you have their full attention - in their inbox.

Only one spot is available.

PS: These go quickly. If you want to book contact us: https://cryptocoin.news/
  • Crypto investor
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Cryptocoin News
  • Crypto Email Marketing