Why digital wallets are better than wallets in your pocket  


Crypto wallets 4 years ago
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The recent global developments with COVID-19 have certainly changed our lives and habits, including those of shopping. The good news is that a lot of technology that can help in the process is already available. The Elly crypto wallet has many of the qualities that have become relevant of late, as well as many other practical qualities that come in handy.

1. Go truly contactless with mobile payments

Elly enables you to use your smartphone as your wallet. In difference to the contactless debit or credit card, there is absolutely no contact necessary with any of the salesperson’s devices, either for payment or identification. You simply scan the payment QR code and confirm the payment on your phone, maintaining the security distance to the cashier the entire time. Just “scan and pay”!

2. Make the shopping easier

In many countries, it is currently necessary to use plastic gloves when shopping. This makes the process slower and more difficult as things tend to slide out of one’s hands, especially small change. A phone is much easier to grasp and handle, and involves less items to be brought along.

3. Protect your funds

Losing your funds or having them stolen in the case of a physical wallet usually means that there is very little chance that the funds will be retrieved. With a phone, however, the funds in the mobile wallet can not be accessed without the wallet password. This makes Elly more similar to an electronic bank account than a physical wallet.

4. Be in control

Elly provides you with access to your payment history, so a full overview of what you spend and where is always at your fingertips. This definitely beats a physical wallet stuffed with various receipts one tends to lose. Also, with Elly, you can use a different currency every single time if you so wish; it supports bitcoin cash, GoC, ether and bitcoin, as well as Euro Token — a digital value voucher you can purchase with SEPA.

5..... https://medium.com/eligma-blog/why-digital-wallets-are-better-than-wallets-in-your-pocket-1726684b11cf
  • Cryptocurrency wallet
  • Crypto funds
  • Mobile payments
  • Crypto payment
  • Digital wallet